The Sisters Brothers

9781847083180“Come with me into the world and reclaim your independence. You stand to gain so much, and riches are the least of it.”
– Patrick deWitt, The Sisters Brothers
This books made me laugh with its adroit humor and cringe at the same time. Delightful. The story is narrated by Eli Sisters, a hired killer on the American west coast in 1851, around the time of the Gold Rush in the Sierra Nevada mountains. However Eli barely gives the American landscape a glance, and people met along the way are simple figures in his moral drama. Nor does Eli have any larger philosophical or socio-historical insights to offer for the century this story is set in. This hilariously anti-heroic and relentlessly compelling novel is my “Read of the Week”.


pathGenre: Action/Adventure| Year: 2007 | Duration: 100 mins | Director: Marcus Nispel| Medium: VCD (Excel Home Video) | Trailer: HERE | My rating: 2.5*/5*

The story is of a viking boy (Karl Urban) rescued from a marooned boat by a native american woman, who grows among the natives, and is haunted by his origins. Later when norsemen (whoses costumes were so bulky and overdone!) returns to plunder these villages, he fights them off to save a handful of natives. The only high in this movie is its graphic violence. Like many movies of its genre, it too had a bried love interest and the rival suitor, but thankfully Nispel decided to dedicate less than 10 mins of the movie to the whole thing. The idea that Norsemen came to America before Columbus seemed fascinating. There was literally no defined story, and only glossy cinematography.

Even though I didn’t enjoy it much, Pathfinder is my ‘Movie of the Day’.



Movie Review: The Bridge of Madison County

Genre: Drama/Romance | Year: 1995 | Duration: 135 mins | Director: Clint Eastwood | Medium: DVD (BIG Home Video) | Trailer: HERE | My rating: 4*/5*

“The old dreams were good dreams; they didn’t work out but I’m glad I had them”

The best part of the movie is the portrayal of the illicit romance between Kincaid (Clint Eastwood) and Francesca (Meryl Streep). Playing the role of an underappreciated bored housewife, Streep excels at bringing out both ecstasy and nervousness, and Eastwood’s brilliant performance of a man recognizing his unspoken loneliness. Streep is astoundingly convincing with her use of mannerism, accent, look and reaction, which is unparalleled.

Good direction makes this film a work of heartbreaking story of emotional turmoil, unfulfilled dreams and tough choices.

This not-so-perfect, yet delightful drama is my “Movie of the Day”

The World Bamboo Market

The world bamboo market is currently worth USD 7 Billion/year, of which China has USD 5.5 Billion. The largest markets are handicraft (USD 3 Billion), bamboo shoots (USD 1.5 Billion) and traditional furniture (USD 1.1 Billion). Traditional markets cover handicrafts, blinds, bamboo shoots, chopsticks and traditional bamboo furniture, which count for 95% of the market. Emerging bamboo markets are wood substitutes such as flooring, panels and non-traditional furniture. The growth of the global market is expected to grow to USD 15-20 Billion/year in 2017. Non-traditional markets are expected to claim 45% of the total bamboo market. 

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